Election of Deputy Chair Held in NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
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On August 27, moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan, the first sitting of the RA NA State and Legal Affairs was held. Congratulating the attendees on the formation of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, Vladimir Vardanyan wished the Committee members fruitful and effective work. He has informed that the Committee consists of 12 members. After adopting the draft agenda, the work order of the Committee was discussed and approved.

As the Committee member Arpine Davoyan presented, the Civil Contract Faction, being guided by the Law – the NA Rules of Procedure, nominated Vahagn Hovakimyan’s candidacy in the post for the Deputy Chair of the Committee. The MP presented the candidate’s biography and the working activity.

Vahagn Hovakimyan expressed readiness to support for organizing normal and effective works of the Committee.

Vahagn Hovakimyan was elected the Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs.

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