RA NA President Alen Simonyan Delivers a Speech Within the Framework of the Topic ‘The Common Future of All European Citizens’
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“There should not be dividing lines in Europe, because many challenges do not recognize national borders,” The NA President Alen Simonyan said at PACE European Conference of Presidents of Parliament during his speech in the format of the topic ‘The Common Future of All European Citizens.’

The Head of Parliament has underlined that the challenges demand active cooperation between national parliaments and international parliamentary organizations.

“The Council of Europe impacts the lives of more than 800 million people. Today our world faces serious challenges; we live in the times of big transformations - where terrorism can prevail over the peace and security and when the foreign policy can be guided by intolerance.” The NA President underscored.

The Head of Parliament especially highlighted the peoples’ full execution of right to live in the peaceful and secure environment, adding: “The common future for all European citizens is possible only in peaceful environment. For Armenia and the people of Nagorno-Karabakh it has special meaning as we are going through difficult times due to many unresolved post-war issues.

In this context the Head of legislative body considered necessary the peaceful, comprehensive, and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. Alen Simonyan emphasized the role of the neighbourhood policy in the security issues.

“The stability of Europe is very much connected with the security in its neighborhood, and we are ready to work with all responsible members of the international community who are interested in establishing a long-lasting peace and stability in our region. We need unity, solidarity and global partnership to solve global problems,” Alen Simonyan noted.

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