New Social Guarantees to Be Set for Employees Conducting Operational Intelligence Activities of Anti-Corruption Committee
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The necessity of the adoption of the package of drafts is conditioned by the imperative of making use of social guarantees in full volume by the employees conducting operational intelligence activities in the Anti-Corruption Committee, as well as by rectifying some shortcomings existing in the legislation. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Arpine Sargsyan said about this presenting to parliament in the first reading the package of the draft laws on Making Addenda and Amendment to the Law on Remuneration of the Persons Holding State Positions and State Service Positions and on Making Addendum to the Law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on Remuneration of the Persons Holding State Positions and State Service Positions.

The issue was debated at October 4 NA regular sitting. It is proposed by the legislative package to calculate two percent additional payment for every working year. Within the framework of the dissolution of the Special Investigative Service the former employees moved to the Prosecutor’s Office or other investigative bodies: It was offered to restore the social guarantee for the abovementioned employees.

According to the key rapporteur, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee was appointed earlier than the RA Law on Anti-Corruption Committee entered into force. Accordingly, it is suggested to calculate and pay by the force of the reversion rule, the payment from the moment of the appointment of the position for the Committee Chairman until the period of the law entering into force.

It was proposed to enforce the amendments being designed in the legislative package in the legislative package.

The member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs presented the endorsement of the Head Committee on the draft.

Ways of notifying citizens increased
Within the framework of organizing and holding of conscription for compulsory military service, exercise gatherings and military exercises the ways of perfect notifications being given for appearing at their military registration office, as well as the framework of approving the documents and facts ...