On December 9, the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Sona Ghazaryan met with the Congressional Delegation led by the Chairman of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP) of the U.S. House of Representatives David Price, arrived in Armenia on a three-day visit.
Welcoming the members of the Delegation, Sona Ghazaryan presented the commitment of the Republic of Armenia to promoting democracy, strengthening the rule of law, and fighting corruption. She noted that the reforms being implemented by the RA Government are aimed at transparency and raising the accountability of the state bodies’ activity.
The RA NA membership to the bipartisan Commission the House Democracy Partnership (HDP) of the Congress was highlighted, and its activities are aimed at ensuring the independence and transparency of legislative bodies, oversight over the executive branch, and supporting reforms in the areas of budgetary and legislative procedures.
Speaking about the programs implemented with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Sona Ghazaryan noted with satisfaction that it is already the fifth year that the National Assembly hosts the fellows recruited by the National Democratic Institute and the National Assembly. The MP thanked the National Democratic Institute and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) for implementing such wonderful program and for involving the Armenian young people in the work of the National Assembly, underscoring that there are success stories about the fellows.
At the meeting it was noted that the U.S. occupies a key place in the political and economic life of Armenia. Sona Ghazaryan underlined that she attaches great importance to the U.S. assistance to the systemic reforms being implemented in Armenia.