Parliamentary Hearings Dedicated to the Spring Agricultural Works and Agricultural Problems
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By the support of the Speaker of the Parliament on April 5 the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment initiated parliamentary hearings dedicated to spring agricultural works and agricultural problems. The legislators with the responsible persons of state departments and representatives of the communities in this format of debate voiced the existing problems in the sphere and possible ways of their solution.

Opening the hearings the Committee Chairman Khachik Harutyunyan noted that the sphere of agriculture today is in the center of attention of the leadership of the republic, there are assignments from the President of the republic, and the parliament tries to solve the problems. The NA Speaker and the deputies have already visited marzes, aiming to get familiarized with the problems and if necessary, solve the problems through laws.

Addressing those present the Speaker of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan said: “First, let me welcome everybody and express hope that all what we will voice today, will not be only a next debate, but a stimulus of beginning urgent and consecutive events. In recent times while speaking about failures in this and other sphere in our country the opportunity of remembering is almost not left, and naturally, the make the main person in charge the world global crisis. Certainly, Armenia as by now a country of not having non-diversified economy, became very vulnerable in world global economic, in the given case, negative situations.” In the NA Speaker’s words, however, the justice and reasonability make everybody to document that not only the economic crisis became the reason for the fall of a number of spheres of our country, in particular, for the agriculture and as a result, to have everything, what we have today. “After the speech and assignment of the President of the Republic all power wings unanimously try to debate and voice all the problems that today exist in the sphere of agriculture,” Hovik Abrahamyan said. “As our colleagues, I am sure, very actively have been prepared for this debate, I concretely would like to voice the ways of the solution of the existing problems in the sphere of agriculture, in my view, to create a possibility to listen to everybody.” The NA Speaker talked about making the lands bigger and the necessity of providing credits for long-term 5- 10 years with low interests and state guarantees. The Head of the parliament as a solution also proposed to subsidize the cultivation of the plots being under non-favorable climatic zones: for 1 ha 50.000 – 75.000 drams. According to the Speaker, the next steps is the financing of seeding and breeding economies with 15% of circulation and the compensation of the invoice value of the non-processed agricultural products being exported, as well as the definition of the minimum prices of some agricultural products by 10%: wheat, milk, meat (this model is applied in many European countries). In the recommendations presented by Hovik Abrahamyan the investment of the insurance process in the sphere of agriculture is mentioned, as well as the envisaging of assistance to the newly created enterprises processing agricultural products (gas, water and energy) The NA Speaker considers necessary to eliminate for 5 years being levied VAT to encourage getting agricultural technique for the import of poisoning chemicals by 20% and provide credits by 0 interest.

Making reference to the Development of Agriculture and 2008-2012 National Development Program of Rising the Level of Self-Content of the Main Food Products, where the directions of the agriculture development are mentioned. The NA Speaker asked the Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan, who was present at the hearings: “I would like to hear, of course, it doesn’t refer to the current Minister why that National Program adopted by the government has not been carried out. What obstacles have been: financial, organizations?” Perhaps, there are objective reasons, the NA Speaker asked and added that if a program was accepted and not implemented what agricultural development you were talking about. In his words we shall not invent a new bicycle, it’s necessary to find concrete directions, which will promote the development of agriculture and go forward.

Speaking about the problems of the sphere the Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan noted that lasting time, financial and intellectual big potential was necessary for their solution.

The responsible official of the Ministry also answered the questions. NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan was interested in the possibility of the Ministry to closely take part in importing fertilizers, diesel fuel, agricultural technique, qualitative poisonous chemicals and seeds for temporarily helping the farmer. Informing those present about the draft law being in circulation the NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan proposed the Minister to create National Committee for observing the procedure of the implementation of 2008-2012 National Program. In the speeches sounded during the hearings representatives of different communities voiced issues concerning them. Deputies Samvel Balasanyan, Lyova Khachatryan, Artsvik Minasyan, Anahit Bakhshyan talked about the existing shortcomings in the sphere, as well as the pursuing policy in general.

The Chairman of the State Committee for Water Economy Andranik Andreasyan presented the existing situation in the irrigation water system.

During the parliamentary hearings the Minister of Agriculture assessed the year 2011 as a year of tense work and ensured that while decisions they would focus on the farmer’s interests.

Summing up the debate the NA Head Committee Chairman expressed willingness to take account all the recommendations and take the work up to the end.

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