Debates of Annual Report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2016 Begin in RA NA Standing Committees
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On June 26, at the joint sitting of the RA National Assembly Standing Committees the annual report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2016 was begun to be debated, where the RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, the RA NA deputies and the members of the RA Government attended.

The RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan noted that the National Assembly designed a rather full schedule of debates, and during that period the macro-environment of the state budget execution process will be presented and the main directions of the social, economic policy of the this year and the recorded results will be detailed, as well as the results of the executive paper of the sphere programmes will be submitted.

Karen Karapetyan expressed hope that in the parliament constructive debates will be held in the short-term and mid-term programmes, which undoubtedly will promote the further management of the state finances.

The RA Minister of Finance Vardan Aramyan delivered a speech with the annual report on the State Budget Execution for 2016, presenting the macro-economic main indices recorded in 2016.

The Chairman of the RA Control Chamber Levon Yolyan presented the conclusion of the RA Control Chamber, and the Chairman of the RA Central Bank Artur Javadyan the conclusion of the RA Central Bank on the RA State Budget Execution for 2016, and the report on the administrative expenditures and the implementation of the capital investments for 2016.

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