Gevorg Gorgisyan’s Speech at PABSEC Economic, Trade, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee Meeting
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On October 19, the deputy of the RA National Assembly Gevorg Gorgisyan delivered a speech at the PABSEC 49th Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee Meeting in Tirana, on the theme Development of the National Innovation Systems in the PABSEC Member Countries.

“Dear participants of the assembly!

Dear colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all, on behalf of the whole Armenian delegation of PABSEC I would like to greet all the participants of the assembly and express our gratitude to our Albanian colleagues for the warm welcome and the proper organization of the committee meeting.

The current situation in Armenia on the topic of discussion is quite promising. Armenia is ranked as an “innovation achiever,” and is currently in the 59th position by the Global Innovation Index report 2017. The same report places Armenia in the 47th position by the number of international patents per capita and number 17th in the world by the Innovation Efficiency Ratio.

Inspired by various goals already achieved during the past years, today Armenia is aiming to further advance the innovation technologies. We are sure that Armenia currently has all the required prerequisites to become a competitive member in the international innovation society, among which I would like to emphasize the following:

-The scientific potential in the fields of engineering, IT and natural sciences.

-The presence of the highly qualified specialists in the mentioned fields.

-Innovative educational programs targeting specifically advanced technologies and science.

-Rich experience of productive collaboration with various international innovative corporations.

-Legal framework of protection of the intellectual property in accordance with international standards

-Governmental support of the field and the improvement of the business environment to attract more investments.

In order to produce highly qualified specialists in Armenian, numerous educational programs have been initiated in collaboration with different international innovation corporations and projects. Some of the particularly successful programs are as follows:

-Armenian National Engineering Laboratory founded in collaboration with National Instruments

-Microsoft Innovation Center

-IBM Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center

-Synopsys Armenia Educational Department

-TUMO center for creative technologies

-Technology centers in the cities of Gyumri and Vanadzor

-Upcoming launch of the first SMART Center in Lori Marz/Region, an exceptional model for rural development through technology and innovation.

-A program that provides free access for the world scientific centers and universities to the scientific databases such as “Springer” and “Web of Science”.

Today the main challenges in the mentioned fields are:

-To create strong ties between the business sector and educational programs and R&D projects.

-To develop a modern system for funding scientific and technological projects and innovative startups.

-Supporting the transition of the local innovative ideas and products into the international market.

One of the key components in developing the national innovation system is the international collaboration in the field of innovations and technologies and the active participation in various international programs in the field.

-In the framework of collaboration with the GIZ – German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation, a program called “Support of the small and medium enterprises in Armenia” has started. It is funded by the European Union and is planned for the years 2016-2019.

-As a result of cooperation with the Asian Development Bank, “Technical Assistance for Export- and Innovation-Led Industrial Development” was established within the program called. The program is planned for the years 2016-2018.

-In May 2016 Armenia became an associate member of the framework program of research and innovation “Horizon 2020” funded by the European Union.

Dear colleagues! To conclude my speech, I would like to emphasize that Armenia is open to collaboration with the PABSEC member-countries. We encourage any initiatives for cooperation and advancement of the innovation technologies in the region,” Mr Gorgisyan said.

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