On Behalf of RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan a Reception is Organized in RA Embassy to Russia
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On February 14, within the framework of the working visit to Moscow on behalf of the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan a reception was organized in the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the Russian Federation, where Ambassadors of 12 countries, deputies of the RF FA Council of the Federation and the State Duma, representatives of the Armenian community and other officials attended.

In his speech the RA NA Speaker noted:

“Dear Mr Ambassador, dear colleagues,

Representatives of diplomatic corps, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to begin my speech by thanking the Ambassador of Armenia to Russia Mr Toghanyan for organizing the event in this wonderful villa, the 200th anniversary of which is connected with the history of the Armenian and the Russian people.

This building constructed for the honest purpose of educating the Armenian children in future became one of the most important centres of the Russian Oriental Studies, at the same time a Centre of Armenian culture. And, finally, after gaining independence the Embassy of Armenia sheltered in this Centre of the Armenians in Russia.

Dear friends,

I would like especially  to stress the role of the Armenian community in Russia which promotes the development of the inter-state relations of our countries. The involvement of the Armenian community increases in the public-political, economic and cultural life of Russia year by year. We are sure that, as the Armenians in Russia, so the Russians in Armenia are considered to be a firm bridge connecting our two countries.

After gaining independence, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation have steadily developed the allied cooperation for a quarter of a century. Our countries are active participants of the Eurasian integration process, the decentralised cooperation intensifies year by year, the partnership consistently develops in the humanitarian spheres, as well as in the spheres of culture, education, health care and tourism.

Today, in the State Duma with Vyacheslav Volodin we attended the opening of the exhibition with a symbolic heading 'Together.' The Armenian and the Russian peoples together have passed through numerous experiences and deprivations, which only have strengthened our brotherhood.

We are together and we'll be together through the centuries.

Thanks for your attention.

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