
Remote work discussion with members of Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
The Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) collects information on various components of democracy in 173 countries of the world from many sources and compiles a monthly information-report on the progress or decline of democracy: Armenia is also i...

Control in spheres of feed safety, phytosanitary by legislative regulation to become more effective
The Government proposes amendments and addenda to the laws on State Control of Food Safety, on Feed Safety and on State Duty. Suspension of pesticides and agro-chemicals in case of discrepancy of the content of the material affecting to the demands established of the non-registered in Armenia, expir...

It is proposed to regulate slaughterhouse activity
With the adoption of the legislative initiative, control aimed at regulating slaughterhouse activity will be tightened. That is, in case of violations, the official carrying out state control will have a legal basis to suspend or stop the slaughterhouse activity in case of inspections. This was stat...

New competences established by initiative for representatives of state authorized body, local self-government bodies, and staffs of governors
New competences are established by initiative for representatives of state authorized body, the local self-government bodies, and staffs of governors. The First Deputy of the RA Urban Development Committee, the Acting Chairman Davit Grigoryan said, presenting the amendments to the law on Management ...

Debate of draft law postponed
At April 2 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport, the debate of the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum the RA Law on General Education was postponed for up to two months. The Committee member, the author of the initiative, the deputy o...

Government proposes to revise and proportionally increase coefficients of Chairman and member of CTR
According to the draft, it is proposed to set the coefficients for calculating the basic salary of the Chairman of the Commission on Television and Radio (CTR) and the member of the Commission in accordance with the coefficients established for the calculation of the basic salary of the persons hold...

Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs debates a number of legislative initiatives in second reading
At April 2 sitting, the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs debated in the second reading a number of legislative initiatives and endorsed them. The Committee Chair Vladimir Vardanyan moderated the sitting.The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan presented the bill designing the amen...

Draft aimed at protecting asylum seekers’ rights
The proposed addendum is intended to enable non-governmental organizations to exercise control over the activities of the temporary accommodation center for asylum seekers: The Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Armen Ghazaryan said this, presenting the...