
Speech by NA Deputy Hripsime Grigoryan at OSCE PA Webinar
The war started by Azerbaijan, being well-planned aggression by Azerbaijan accompanied with high level political announcements on the intensions of that war – that is of cleansing of the Armenian population from their homeland and aiming at resolving a conflict through use of force. The unavoidable ...

Speech by NA Deputy Ani Samsonyan at OSCE PA Webinar
The deputy presented to the OSCE PA delegates the war crimes committed by Azerbaijan during the Nagorno Karabakh war. She especially spoke about the attacks against civilian population, the prisoners of war and the inhuman treatment towards the victims, the involvement of terrorists and mercenaries ...

At the First Meeting of the Competition Commission
On March 12, the first sitting of the Competition Commission to fill a vacancy electing as a member of the Corruption Prevention Commission. The agenda included discussion of a number of issues related to the work schedule of the Competition Commission and the organization and holding of the upcomin...

Proposals of Chancellors of Universities Related to Legislative Package on Higher Education and Science
On March 12, the legislative package envisaging amendments to the Law on Higher Education and Science and a number of other enclosed ones was debated during the working meeting initiated by the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport and the RA Minister of Edu...