
The Participants of the First Pan-Armenian Meeting of Dentists in National Assembly
On October 25 RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan received the participants of the first pan-Armenian meeting of dentists, who arrived in Armenia from 16 countries. Ashot Gevorgyan, Chairman of the Armenian Dental Association, represented the guests and noted that the best dentists of the world gathe...

The Rates of Social Payments Proposed to Be Reviewed
The National Assembly began the third day of the four-day sittings by voting. The parliament adopted the bill “On Making Amendment to the Law ‘On Minimum Monthly Salary’” in the first reading and the draft “On Pre-School Education” in the second reading. The executive body also ratified an agreement...

Thanks to Those Who Keep Armenia in Their Souls
On October 25, RA NA President, Artur Baghdasaryan, received the delegation of the Board of Trustees of Armenian Assembly of America. By the guests' request the NA President presented the amendment process in Armenia, especially the constitutional draft amendment (which enjoyed the estimation o...