
RA National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan Receives the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia
On January 30 the Speaker of the National Assembly Samvel Nikoyan received the Ambassador Philip Lefort, European Union (EU) Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia.Welcoming the guest the NA Speaker expressed hope that within the format of the authorities he would ha...

They Wanted Better, But It Turned Out As Always, The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov’s Response to the Deputy Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament
In response to the announcement made today by Bahar Muradova, Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan, according to which, France should be replaced by Turkey in the OSCE IPU Co-Chair countries composition, “It’s absolutely logical,”the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov said:“Azerbaijan ...