RA NA President Ara Babloyan Sends Condolence Message
“I was deeply shocked to hear the bad news about the crash of the SU-25 attack plane and death of the military pilots, Lieutenant-Colonel Armen Babayan and Mayor Movses Manukyan.I am sure that the revelation of the air disaster reasons will let us exclude the repetition of such t...

Sitting of RA National Assembly Not Held
On December 4, at the beginning of the RA NA regular sitting the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan informed that 24 deputies were registered. The Speaker of the parliament noted that under Part 4 of Article 51 of the Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the registration would continue until the re...

Ara Babloyan Sends Condolence Message on Death of the RA Honorary Worker of Science of Armenia Pavel Ananikyan
“I learnt with deep grief about the death of the well-known surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honorary Worker of Science of the Republic of Armenia, my dear teacher, and then senior colleague Pavel Ananikyan.Pavel Ananikyan was not only an honorary surgeon, who saved numerous human lives and a sk...