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Adopted 06.08.2021
Non official translation

The National Assembly DECIDES;

1. Following part 1 of Article 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia with the amendments of December 6, 2015, based on part 2 of Article 10 and part 1 of Article 112 of the Constitutional Law “Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly,” it shall be established that:

1) In the National Assembly of the Republics of Armenia there are twelve standing committees with the following names, areas of activity and the general list of members:

a. Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs

social security, disability key issues, labor, employment, trade unions, demographics and laws regulating those areas (8 member);

b. Standing Committee on Health Care

the healthcare, motherhood, childhood, the production, import and safety of drugs, sanitary and epidemiological safety and laws regulating those areas (8 members);

c. Standing Committee on Foreign Relations

international relations, relations with the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as well as relations with other international organizations, inter-parliamentary agreements and relations, parliamentary friendship groups and laws regulating those areas (10 members);

d. Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport

science, education, culture, repatriation, links with diaspora, youth, sports, information, press, radio, television and laws regulating those areas (9 members);

e. Standing Committee on European Integration

links with the European Union, issues regarding the implementation of the Agreement on Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia, approximation of the laws of the Republic of Armenia to the legal acts of the European Union and laws regulating those areas (8 members);

f. Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs

protection of human rights, children’s rights, religion, gender equality, national minorities, advocacy, public organizations and laws regulating those areas (8 members);

g. Standing Committee on Defense and Security

defense, national security, police, emergencies, military-industrial complex, service in the Armed Forces, national security agencies, police and other paramilitary agencies and laws regulating those areas (11 members);

h. Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs

constitutional and legal issues, referendums, parties, electoral system, Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, Constitutional Court, justice, judiciary, prosecutor's office, investigative bodies, enforcement of judicial acts, penal service, amnesty, public service, notary, administration and laws regulating those areas, amendments to the Constitution, codes of legal procedure, as well as civil, criminal codes, Code of Administrative Offenses (12 members);

i. Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration

relations with the Eurasian Economic Union and other countries of the region, harmonization, unification of legislation of the Republic of Armenia and other member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and laws governing those areas (8 members);

j. Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment  Protection

territorial administration, administrative-territorial division, local self-government, territorial development, municipal service, local taxes, duties and payments, agriculture, protection and sustainable development of the environment and laws governing those areas (10 members);

ja. Standing Committee on Economic Affairs

taxes, duties, payments, industry, urban development, energy, natural resources, transport, communication, telecommunication, internet (global network), other branches of industrial infrastructure, tourism, trade and services, entrepreneurial activity, state property management, tariffs, investments, competitive economics, anti-monopolization and laws governing those areas (12 members);

jb. Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs

budgetary legislation, state budget, loans, credits, money, money turnover, audit, state audit, banking system, financial (currency, capital, credit, insurance and stocks) markets and laws governing those areas (8 members);

2) the authority to nominate candidates to the National Assembly for the election for the offices for the Prosecutor General, the Chairman and other members of the Central Electoral Commission shall belong to the Standing Committee on State and Legal affairs of the National Assembly;

3) the authority to nominate a candidate to the National Assembly for the election for the office for Human Rights Defender shall belong to the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly;

4) the authority to nominate candidates to the National Assembly for the election for the offices for the Chairman and other members of the Audit Chamber, the Chairman of the Central Bank, his deputies and other members of the Board of the Central Bank shall belong to the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly;

5) the authority to nominate candidates to the National Assembly for the election for the offices for the Commission on Television and Radio shall belong to the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport of the National Assembly;

6) the authority for general coordination and monitoring for the activities of the Budget Bureau of the National Assembly shall belong to the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly;

7) the range of parliamentary control of each standing committee of the National Assembly shall cover the implementation of laws regulating the areas of its activity, as well as the implementation process of the Government's program on issues regarding those areas.

2. The present decision shall enter into force from the moment after its adoption by the National Assembly.

