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Congratulatory message by NA President Alen Simonyan on Republic Day
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Dear compatriots,

Today we celebrate on of the most important events of our history – the establishment of the First Republic Day of Armenia.

On May 28, 1918 after the Sardarabat, Bash-Aparan, Gharakilisa heroic battles, the Armenian statehood disrupted for centuries was restored. The Armenian people, having one of the hardest periods facing us, could not only preserve their identity, language and culture, but also built an independent republic, which nowadays is the pillar of free and sovereign Armenia. Despite the fact that the life of the First Republic Day of Armenia lasted only 2 years, it was a turning point for our national thinking.

Till now, the unbroken consciousness of having independent and sovereign state is the most important moving force to overcome the challenges facing Armenia, to build and preserve a powerful, sovereign and democratic state, based on the right to voting and legal equality.

Yes, today, in 2024, we again build statehood. The Republic of Armenia is and will be independent, will have internationally recognized borders, which will guarantee the sovereign, democratic and peaceful future of the third Republic of Armenia.

Congratulations on the declaration of First Republic of Armenia and on the day of rebirth of statehood! Happy May 28!







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