Born October 3, 1977 in Yerevan.
1999 - 2001 - Served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.
1999 - Graduated from the Economics and Management of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Yerevan State Engineering University.
2001- 2003 - Programmer at the “ALGORITHM-SERVICE” company.
2003 - 2004 - Programmer at the “SIRIUS” company.
2004 - 2005 - Programmer at “MP-HITECH” company.
2005-2007 - Programmer at “ACCUSOFT” corporation.
2007 - 2010 - Programmer at the “LIFE” company.
2014 - 2020 - Co-founder and executive director of Matersson LLC.
2018 - 2020 - Member of the “My Step” faction of the Municipal Council of Yerevan.
November 27, 2020 - August 2, 2021 - Member of the National Assembly (national electoral list of the “My Step”
alliance of parties).
December 29, 2020 - August 2, 2021 - Member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs of the National
Assembly. Member of the “My Step” faction.
June 20, 2021 - Elected Member of the National Assembly from the national electoral list of the “Civil Contract” party.
Married with three children.