He was born on September 29, 1965 in Kapan.
In 1980 he finished the Kapan Mountainous-metallurgic technical school. He is a geologist.
In 1984-1986 he served in the Soviet army.
In 1984-1988 he worked at Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum complex.
In 1988-1990 he worked in Leninakan after disastrous earthquake.
In 1990 he took part in national-liberation struggle, first in Garegin Nzhdeh detachment, then in 1992-1994 he was senior intelligence officer in the intelligence detachment of Kapan brigade.
He was awarded Marshal Baghramian medal.
On May 12, 2007 he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly by proportional electoral system from the Armenian Revolutionary Federation party. He is a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Supreme Body.
He is married, has two children.