Appendix 7
Order of the Chief of Staff, Secretary General
of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
#1492, December 09, 2019
- The Internal Audit Division, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it within the scope of its powers, shall perform the following functions:
1) shall implement the internal audit of all functions regarding the financial management and control over the activities of the Staff;
2) shall form and present the annual and strategic internal audit programs;
3) shall form and submit an annual report on the activities of the Division within the time limits established by law;
4) shall discover and assess the existing risks of the Staff;
5) shall perform the internal audit of the main and auxiliary specialized structural sub-divisions and/or processes, and the office(s) of the Staff;
6) shall collect and summarize risk assessment bulletins compiled by the main and auxiliary specialized structural sub-divisions and, the office(s) of the Staff;
7) shall implement development of the draft rules of procedure for the internal audit of the Staff and the amendments made to it and shall submit those to the Committee for Internal Audit for a debate and for the approval by the Chief of the Staff;
8) shall provide consultation regarding the activities of financial management and internal control of the Staff;
9) shall receive the necessary information from the main and auxiliary specialized structural sub-divisions and the office(s) of the Staff; shall implement analysis and assessment of the risks and discovery of vulnerable groups;
10) shall monitor(observe) and control the work to eliminate violations and inconsistencies discovered by the competent bodies as a result of inspections and studies in the Staff;
11) shall assess the conformity of functions and operations implemented by the Staff;
12) shall assess the adequacy of the implementation of information technologies in the Staff, components of technical, program data and the security measures used in them;
13) by the recommendation of the Chief of the Staff shall implement work regarding clarifying and analyzing dubious, non-standard transactions, dealings and operations containing shortcomings and abuses;
14) shall coordinate the design of business procedures of structural sub-divisions of the Staff; shall coordinate environment determination of the internal audit and study its changes, implementation of analyses;
15) shall evaluate the reliability, veracity and completeness of the financial information of the Staff, shall examine the existence and security of assets;
16) shall evaluate the profitability and effectiveness of financial and accounting operations;
17) shall implement the program of guaranteeing and improving the quality of audits through ongoing studies and internal evaluations of the activity of the division;
18) shall provide supervision regarding further procedures of eliminating discrepancies and deficiencies recorded as a result of work performed by the Division for the previous period;
19) shall assess the internal control and management processes of activity, study the adequacy, effectiveness and reliability of the main and auxiliary specialized structural sub-divisions and/or procedures, and the office(s) of the Staff;
20) shall perform other functions assigned to the Division by the charter of the Staff;
21) shall implement other recommendations of the Chief of the Staff.