Appendix 4
Order of the Chief of Staff, Secretary General
of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
#1492, December 09, 2019
1. The Department, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it within the scope of its powers, shall perform the following functions:
1) shall organize and provide protocol events regarding the activities of the Chairperson of the National Assembly, other bodies of the National Assembly, and the Chief of the Staff;
2) shall provide appropriate working conditions for the normal functioning of the National Assembly and its bodies, friendship groups of the National Assembly, delegations and other official delegations of the National Assembly in international parliamentary organizations, and inter-parliamentary assemblies;
3) shall organize and provide preparatory work, passport services, regarding the business trips of delegations of the National Assembly;
4) shall perform other functions established by law.
2. The Visits and Receptions Organization Division, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it within the scope of its powers, shall perform the following functions:
1) shall implement the requirements of the provisions of the State Protocol of the Republic of Armenia;
2) shall organize protocol events regarding the visits to foreign states of delegations headed by the Chairperson of the National Assembly, Vice Chairpersons, Chairs of the standing committees, heads of the factions, as well as the Chief of the Staff, as well as protocol events in the Republic of Armenia with their participation;
3) within the scope of its powers, shall provide the implementation of protocol events regarding international and local working meetings of the Chairperson of the National Assembly, if necessary, his wife, the Chief of the Staff, as well as individual officials of the Staff by the recommendation of the Chief of the Staff;
4) shall carry out protocol events regarding the visits to the National Assembly of the leaders of parliaments, official delegations of foreign states, international organizations headed by special representatives and their accompanying persons;
5) shall prepare and implement other protocol events held in the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with the State Protocol Service of the Republic of Armenia;
6) shall implement other functions established by law.
3. The Passport Service Division, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it within the scope of its powers, shall perform the following functions:
1) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, shall provide the delivery of diplomatic passports to the Deputies of the National Assembly, the extension of their terms and the exchange;
2) shall carry out the preparation work regarding the business trips of the Deputies of the National Assembly;
3) shall carry out passport and accreditation service of the delegations of the National Assembly;
4) shall implement other functions established by law.