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Ara Babloyan’s Speech in Parliamentary Hearings on Sumgait Massacres: Armenophobia as State Policy of Azerbaijan
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Dear deputies,

Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recently was marked the 30th anniversary of one of the most memorable events of our newest history, the Artsakh Movement. First, let me once again congratulate all of us on the occasion of this historical jubilee which radically changed our people’s life in Armenia and in Artsakh. And two Armenian independent states were born – the Republic of Armenia and the Artsakh Republic.

Dear friends,

The response that was towards the Artsakh liberation movement in Azerbaijan was not surprising, taking into consideration the hatred of our neighbours towards people and especially towards Armenians. It was completely revealed in Sumgait populated by Armenians 30 years ago. As a result of the organized and committed crime at state level, hundreds of residents of Armenian origin were severely killed or injured. Our numerous compatriots were forcibly deported and lost their property. Afterwards the violence and murders continued in the Armenian populated Baku, Gandzak and in all settlements on the territory of the Soviet Azerbaijan, where Armenians lived.

The genocidal actions committed in Sumgait and Baku were the consequence of the Azerbaijani evident Armenophobia which nowadays have not been legally and morally assessed by the international community and appropriate instances. Our people, certainly has given its assessment and answer by the liberation of Artsakh, declaration of self-sovereignty and building an independent state. However, the crimes committed more than three decades ago should not remain as passed and closed pages of history for the civilized world. The documentary base on the atrocities and massacres perpetrated towards Armenians in Sumgait and Baku maybe is less by its volume than the facts on the Nazis’ actions during the World War II, but definitely it is not less influential, moreover that the Azerbaijani fascism with its hatred and cruelty exceeds the Hitler’s fascism of the mentioned period.

The Armenian massacres of Sumgait and Baku wait for their full assessment, and numerous Armenian refugees forcibly deported from Azerbaijan and their heirs wait for the fair judgment.

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