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Ara Babloyan Receives Delegation Led by Mayor of Lyon
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On March 7, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan received the delegation led by the Mayor of Lyon Georges Képénékian.

Welcoming the visit of the delegation to Armenia, the RA NA President touched upon the Armenian-French inter-state relations, underlined with satisfaction the high level of the political dialogue between the friendly countries.

Congratulating Georges Képénékian on being elected Mayor of Lyon, the Head of the Parliament wished him new successes for the welfare of the citizens of Lyon and for the benefit of the Armenian-French friendship.

Ara Babloyan highlighted the holding of the Francophonie Summit in Armenia in October, considering it an additional platform in further deepening of the Armenian-French relations.

The RA NA President touched upon the activities of the Friendship Groups functioning in the parliaments of Armenia and France and expressed confidence that the good traditions formed through decades would continue.

Talking about the visit of the delegation led by the Mayor of Lyon, the Head of the Parliament has noted that the full programme of the visit of the multi-member delegation assures that the Armenian-French decentralized cooperation is at high level. The RA NA President expressed hope that this visit would promote the implementation of the new projects in numerous spheres of cooperation.

Ara Babloyan highly assessed the human and professional high qualities of the Mayor of Lyon Georges Képénékian as a doctor, a long-lasting forerunner fighting for the Armenian Cause, recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian people’s rights.

Georges Képénékian thanked Ara Babloyan for the warm reception and presented the members of the delegation, who coordinate the spheres of tourism, culture, education and other spheres in the Municipality of Lyon. In his word, the choice of the delegation members is not accidental: the directions of the programmes to be implemented between Lyon and Yerevan are distinctly outlined. The Mayor of Lyon has noted that a new page begins in the history of friendship and cooperation between the two cities.

With regards to the holding of the Francophonie Summit in Yerevan, Georges Képénékian has documented that it is a unique opportunity for Armenia and should include many spheres of cooperation, giving an opportunity to the French businessmen to represent themselves with dignity. According to the Mayor of Lyon, the Francophonie is a system of values, policy, as well as cooperation without borders.

At the end of the meeting the interlocutors exchanged thoughts over the programmes in the spheres of education, culture, tourism, economy and other spheres.

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