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Delegation of Senate of Poland Pays Tribute in Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex
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On March 18, the delegation of the Foreign and European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland accompanied by the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Poland Friendship Group Vahan Harutyunyan, the member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Shirak Torosyan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Armenia Paweł Cieplak visited Tsitsernakaberd memorial Complex.

The Chairman of the Foreign and European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Marek Rocki and the members of the delegation led by him laid a wreath and flowers at 1915 Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex and at the eternal fire and honoured in silence the memory of the Holy Martyrs on behalf of the Senate of Poland.

The guests had also been in the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, got acquainted with the documents proving the Armenian Genocide, observed the exhibits and left a note in the Book of Honorable Guests.

Offering his condolences for the Genocide committed towards the Armenian people Marek Rocki noted that severe crimes had been towards the Armenian and Polish peoples in the previous century and added we should do our best that the new generation of the two countries build its future through peaceful means.

“I am impressed. It is difficult to go out from here indifferent,” Marek Rocki said.

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