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Statement at Session of Political Affairs Committee of Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie

We, the members of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (AFP), being in Yerevan from March 20 to 21 on the occasion of the Session of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie,

Acting in accordance with Francophonie Charter and the AFP boosted values,

Quoting the decisions on the settlement of the crisis situations, exiting from crisis situations and the establishment of peace on Francophone territory by the heads of the states and governments during the Montreux (2010), Kinshasa (2012), Dakar (2014) and Antananarivo (2016) Summits,

Reaffirming our readiness to resolutely act for the benefit of peace and establishment, strengthening the legal state and protection of human rights for preventing the crises and conflicts,

Being concerned over crisis and conflict situations in numerous countries of Francophone territory,

Encouraging the Francophonie to continue its activities on adequately responding the early alarm, on the settlement of the crisis and conflict situations, the support of the states in the transition period, being based on the UN Charter, the international law, the nations’ self-determination and the rights of territorial integrity of the states,

We express our deepest concern over the situation created over Nagorno Karabakh and call on the parties to create favourable conditions for exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict,

We underline the necessity of creating an atmosphere of trust for easing the negotiation process and all kinds of announcements threatening the rise of intensification level and the necessity of avoiding the actions,

We confirm our support to the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group in the issue of the peaceful settlement of Karabakh problem,

We call upon the conflict parties to be deprived of the use of force or the threat of the use of force which can endanger the peaceful negotiation process and we invite the parties to continue the negotiations taking as a basis the fundamental principles being proposed by the Minsk Group, i.e. not turning to the use of force or threat of using it, the territorial integrity, the rights of the peoples’ legal equality and self-determination as an inseparable part of balanced and stable settlement.

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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