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Ara Babloyan Receives Advisory Council Deputy Speaker of the State of Qatar
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On April 9, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan received the Advisory Council Deputy Speaker of the State of Qatar Mohammed al Sulaiti.

Welcoming the guest in the RA National Assembly, Ara Babloyan thanked him for visiting Armenia to take part in the inauguration ceremony of the RA newly appointed President.

The RA NA President expressed conviction that the Deputy Speaker’s visit would promote the deepening and strengthening of the relations between the two countries.

The Head of the parliament highlighted the visit of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan to Qatar in May 2017 which had been of crucial importance for the further development of the two countries’ relations.

Ara Babloyan touched upon the development of the inter-parliamentary cooperation and the necessity of the formation of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups.

In terms of the development of tourism and trade-economic relations the RA NA President emphasized the liberalization of the entry visas for the citizens of Qatar by the RA Government’s decision of June of the previous year.

Ara Babloyan expressed his concern over the events happening around the State of Qatar and expressed hope that the issue would be solved through negotiations.

Thanking Ara Babloyan for the reception, Mohammed al Sulaiti noted that they visited Armenia to convey the congratulations of Qatar’s Emir to the RA newly appointed President. In al Sulaiti’s word, they highly appreciate the Armenians and Armenia, stemming from the warm attitude towards the Armenian community in the region.

The Deputy Speaker documented that the development of the relations between the two countries and the creation of the atmosphere of mutual understanding is evident which would give an opportunity to develop the cooperation in different spheres.

Mohammed al Sulaiti informed the RA NA President that in the future the works of the formation of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Committees and expressed hope that it would give an additional impetus for deepening of the inter-parliamentary cooperation.

The Advisory Council Deputy Speaker of the State of Qatar wished the Armenian people success and progress.

The RA NA President Ara Babloyan invited the Speaker of the Advisory Council of the State of Qatar to Armenia.

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