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RA NA Speaker Takes Part in CSTO PA Council Session
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On April 12, in Tauride Palace of Saint Petersburg the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA) Council Session began, where the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan took part.

The CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov, the Heads of the parliaments of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan also took part in the Session.

By the proposal of the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan the next plenary sessions of the CSTO PA Council and the Assembly will be held in Yerevan on October 29-30.

A number of items concerning the CSTO PA activity were discussed chaired by the CSTO PA Chairman, the Speaker of the RF FA State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, particularly the results of the CSTO PA Council Minsk Session, the means facing the situation in the zone of responsibility of the organization and challenges of collective security in modern times and counteracting the threats, the priorities of the chairmanship of Kazakhstan in the CSTO in 2018, the participation of the CSTO PA delegations with the international observation mission to the RF President’s elections, agenda items on making amendments and addenda to the CSTO PA Activity Programme for 2016-2020 in compliance and harmonization of the national legislation of the CSTO member nations and other items.

The Chairman of the CSTO PA Permanent Commission on Political Issues and International Cooperation, the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Khosrov Harutyunyan presented for debate the item on the results of the participation of the parliamentary delegations of the CSTO member countries in the OSCE PA Winter Session (22-23 February 2018, Vienna) and on the coordination of the actions of the parliamentary delegations of the CSTO PA member countries ahead of the OSCE PA Summer Session (7-11 July 2018 Berlin).

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