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Ara Babloyan’s Speech at Special Sitting of RA National Assembly
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Honourable Mr Sargsyan,

Dear Colleagues,

Today’s agenda item is of crucial importance for our state.

By the election of the country’s Prime Minister, in fact, we eventually turn into a new system of government reserved by the Constitution which gives greater importance to our today’s debates.

I am thankful for the open exchange of opinions, but I am sorry that during these days in this hall of pluralism some of our colleagues instead of freely expressing their disagreement and dissatisfactions  preferred the street fight which disrupted the stability and resulted in clashes, as a result of which, we had some injured people.

Dear deputies,

The society expects positive changes, and at the same time, the stability of the country is very important for the society.

Serzh Sargsyan is the person with whose name the security and stability of our country are connected with, as well as the economic and political successes of recent years. The situation outside our country, where we are now as a state, obliges us to go on through changes without shock.

With his biography as a state and political figure Serzh Sargsyan has shown that to lead supposes will and courage of assuming responsibility and realizing it with dignity.

He is the leader whose trust is conditioned by his passed path, biography, state and political long-year activity.

He has passed the path of his life through the Artsakh war, through the processes of state building of Armenia and Artsakh. In all those processes he has always had key role, being responsible for genuinely vital spheres.

As a commander who has seen and shared the difficulties of war, the pain and joy of the soldier and the volunteer, he knows very well the price of peace.

That peace should be dignified, and it is unequivocal that the independence of Artsakh has no alternative and the Republic of Armenia claims it in all negotiating process. Serzh Sargsyan has repeatedly confidently announced about that, including from the UN high tribune. Serzh Sargsyan’s contribution to that is great that at present Armenia is accepted in the international arena as a balanced, reliable and trustworthy partner which follows human values, is led by the freedom of speech and the democratic standards of other fundamental rights and freedoms.

Today, we are the state which does not oppose the vectors of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union, but successfully combines them.

Dear colleagues,

Serzh Sargsyan once has already, though for a short period, served as Prime Minister.

However, what he should implement after being elected as a new Prime Minister of the Third Republic, supposes maximum concentration of forces and capabilities much higher degree of responsibility.

Ten years ago Serzh Sargsyan assumed the position of the office of the country’s President in the conditions of world financial-economic crisis. Today, we can confidently record that by his leadership Armenia was able to get out of that hard situation with dignity.

A few days ago I took part in the Conference of the Speakers of the Parliaments of the CIS 6 Member Nations in Russia, in Saint Petersburg.

I was filled with pride when the coordinator Valovaya presented the indices which had forwarded Armenia to the first place. In 2017 Armenia was in the leading position by all indices.

Serzh Sargsyan’s political experience and soberness in foreign and inner issues, and the subtle feeling of time and moment are vital for our state now.

Well knowing Serzh Sargsyan, being familiar with his organizational abilities and highly assessing his human quality I am convinced that he is the very leader, whose broad-mindedness and experience are very important while making important decisions concerning our people’s life today.

I am sure that the government led by Serzh Sargsyan will do utmost in order we have more organized and consolidated Armenia with protected borders and free market:

- in order for our citizens be able to have prosperous life, work and create in their Motherland, Armenia;

- in order for the people of Armenia to have guarantee that their children will live in more progressive and safe country.

Thank you.

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