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Sitting of RA National Assembly Not Held
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On May 2, at the beginning of the RA NA regular sitting the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan informed that 27 members were registered, necessary quorum was not provided.

The Speaker of the parliament has noted that under Part 4 of Article 51 of the Constitutional Law NA Rules of Procedure, the registration continues until the registration of the necessary number of MPs, but not more than four hours. In case of providing the legality within the mentioned term the moderator of the sitting has informed the MPs about the beginning of the sitting, but in case of not providing it the sittings are considered not held.

The Secretary of the RA NA Tsarukyan Faction Vahe Enfiajyan has informed that their faction announces political boycott and will not take part in the work of the regular sittings.

By 14:00, 33 MPs were registered.

The RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan has noted that under Paragraph 4 of Article 51 of the law the NA Rules of Procedure during 4 hours necessary number of MPs was not registered for provding the legality of the sitting, thus today’s sitting is considered not held.

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