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Ara Babloyan Receives Delegation Led by President of House of Representatives of Republic of Cyprus
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On May 21, the President of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan received the delegation led by the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Syllouris. The meeting was held in an extended composition.

Welcoming the guests, Ara Babloyan noted that the relations between Armenia and Cyprus had reached a new qualitative level due to joint efforts in recent years. The NA President highly assessed the effective cooperation of the parliaments of the two countries in the international structures.

In the word of the Head of the parliament the bilateral firm relations are conditioned by the historical-cultural and spiritual commonalities with system of values.

According to Ara Babloyan, this visit is a great opportunity for discussing issues of mutual interest which in its turn would promote the further deepening and development of the inter-parliamentary and inter-state relations of the friendly countries.

The Head of the RA Parliament also touched upon the signing of Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, expressing hope that the House of Representatives of Cyprus would ratify the document in possible close term.

Talking about regional problems, Ara Babloyan noted that Armenia and Cyprus always backed each other’s positions on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict and Cyprus problem. “Though different problems are laid before us, but in terms of the probelms' settlement the approach is the same: without use of force, exclusively through peaceful means, based on the principles of international law norms,” Ara Babloyan said.

Thanking for the warm reception, the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Syllouris has noted that Cyprus and Armenia have many commonalities and taking into consideration that fact, it could be possible to further deepen and develop the relations in all spheres.

Demetris Syllouris proposed to create a trilateral format of parliamentary cooperation: Cyprus-Armenia-Greece. The NA President Ara Babloyan emphasized the sounded proposal.

Regarding the Nagorno Karabakh problem, Demetris Syllouris has reaffirmed that the Republic of Cyprus supports the peaceful settlement of the NK problem in the frameworks of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and has always backed and will back Armenia on the different international platforms.

In the course of the meeting the sides have highlighted the role of the Armenian community of Cyprus, noting that the Armenians are full-fledged members of the society of Cyprus and have great role in the development of the state.

With regards to the possibilities of the further development of the science, education, culture, economy, tourism and other spheres, the MPs of Armenia and Cyprus have underlined that there is great potential for it.

The President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Syllouris left a note in the Book of Honourable Guests of the RA National Assembly.

At the end of the meeting Ara Babloyan and Demetris Syllouris planted a fir tree in the RA National Assembly Park as a token of the two peoples’ everlasting friendship, after which they made a statement for the media.

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