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Armen Ashotyan: Provision of Armenia’s Security is Beyond Inner-Political Developments
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On June 12, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Ashotyan met with the delegation led by the Head of the Polish-Armenian Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland Tadeusz Woźniak.

Welcoming the Polish parliamentarians, Armen Ashotyan has underlined that the Armenian-Polish relations are at high level, and the cooperation has a history of several centuries. Touching upon the two peoples’ commonalities, Armen Ashotyan has expressed conviction that the Armenians have the warmest feelings towards the Polish people.

In the Committee Chair’s word, in the conditions of the parliamentary government system the role of the Committee has risen regarding the parliamentary diplomacy. He especially highlighted the holding of the joint sittings of the similar committees of the RA National Assembly and the Senate of Poland.

Touching upon the problems of the security provision, the speaker has noted that unlike Europe which has seen numerous wars, today has formed an atmosphere solidarity and peace at the price of the millions of people’s lives, the Armenians also paying an expensive price for living free and independent in the region, have not reached that stable and peaceful goal yet. According to the speaker, the provision of Armenia’s security is beyond the inner-political developments. He expressed wish that the Polish side would present the Armenian people’s interests at best on the inter-parliamentary platforms.

Armen Ashotyan highly assessed the development and deepening of Armenia’s cooperation with the EU member countries, including Poland. They also talked about the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement and the importance of its implementation. In this issue the Committee Chair opined that the in the process of the reforms’ implementation the Polish succeeded experience in different spheres would be attractive for Armenia.

Tadeusz Woźniak has underlined that Poland is a friendly country and is ready for the implementation of all initiatives, as well as to be next to Armenia in the enactment of the RA-EU Agreement. The MP considered necessary the steps aimed at the provision of the external and inner security. He has assured that his country is ready to support Armenia in the development of relations with the EU certain member countries.

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