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Eduard Sharmazanov: We Condemn the Blockade of Armenia
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On June 21, in Tirana the delegation led by the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the works of the Fifty-First Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC). A ceremony of conveying the PABSEC presidency from Albania to Armenia took place, where Eduard Sharmazanov gave a speech. The NA Deputy Speaker noted:

During the quarter of a century the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) expands its activities year by year, becoming one of the most important factors of the establishment of the economic stability in the region. It is important that the activities of the Assembly, as on the previous years, be of practical character.

The main idea of the creation of the PABSEC and its main priority is to strengthen the economic cooperation between the BSEC member states. Armenia confirms its faithfulness to that idea and claim that it is necessary to preserve the economic character of the organization for the effective implementation of the PABSEC goals, avoiding unduly politicization.

The inter-parliamentary diplomacy and the economic development are tools of cooperation and integration. They should not be a means of political blackmail and pressure in any case.

We principally deny the opportunity of proposing political preconditions as a preliminary condition in the development process of economic cooperation.

We condemn the economic blockade of Armenia by Azerbaijan and Turkey which contradicts the PABSEC fundamental principles.

The illegal blockade of Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan should remain at the centre of attention of all international organizations, including the PABSEC. The fact of violating the principles of the international conventions by our neighbours is evident. The blockade impedes Armenia to provide all competitive advantages of its opportunities in equal conditions.

As you know, the settlement process of the relations with Turkey began which resulted in signing the Zurich protocols in October of 2009. However those documents were ratified, as Turkey proposed non justified preconditions which contradict the spirit and letter of the protocols.

The refusal from economic cooperation cannot serve as a tool in the solution of the political problems, on the contrary, it can postpone the political solution of the existing problems. The solution of the political problems is often provided by closer economic cooperation as a tool creating favourable conditions for strengthening good neighbourly relations and mutual trust and constructive dialogue.

We can reach progress in the economic cooperation due to making decisions for the benefit of all parties, mutual interest and preservation of principles of equality.”

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
On September 26, RA Vice President of the RA National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia Patrik Svensson.Issues regarding the RA-Sweden cooperation, the regional security were discussed. Reference was made to the norm...

Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
As a result of the adoption of the draft, concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center, loft will be defined, the requirement of replenishing the fund of the Armenian studies of the important libraries of abroad will be fixed, the goals of the use of the libraries wil...

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