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Ara Babloyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
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On June 29, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to the RA Martina Quick, who visited the parliament on the completion of her diplomatic mission.

Welcoming the guest, the NA President expressed his gratitude to the Ambassador for her efforts in the development of the Armenian-Swedish relations. Highlighting the cooperation established between the two countries, Ara Babloyan has underlined that the parliamentary diplomacy has a great role in the Armenian-Swedish relations. He expressed hope that from now on too the bilateral cooperation between the parliamentary delegations on the different international platforms would be continuous.

Speaking about Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, the Head of the legislative body expressed hope that the parliament of Sweden would ratify the document within a shortest period which would be an additional impetus for the further deepening of bilateral ties.

Touching upon the peaceful settlement process of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Head of the parliament has noted that Armenia highly assesses the balanced position of Sweden in the solution of the conflict.

Talking about the recent developments occurred in Armenia the NA President expressed conviction that they would promote the further expansion of the relations between the two peoples.

Thanking for the joint work, Martina Quick also emphasized the strengthening of bilateral relations and the activation of the inter-parliamentary cooperation. She has stated that Sweden evaluates the expansion of cooperation with Armenia indifferent spheres. The Ambassador assured that her country would not delay the ratification of Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement.

Regarding the inner-political developments of Armenia, she opined that the further deepening of democracy would have positive influence on the development of the country.

The interlocutors referred to the cooperation in the scientific-educational, cultural and trade-economic spheres.

Ara Babloyan wished Martina Quick successes in her further activities.

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