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RA NA President Ara Babloyan Extends Condolences on Zulum Grigoryan’s Death
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“We learnt with deep pain on the death of the People’s Artist of the Republic of Armenia Zulum Grigoryan. The theme of his works was his Motherland, the marvellous corners of his nature, the historical-architectural monuments and eventually the heroic and tragic episodes of the Armenian people’s history. He eternalizes all this with the power of brush in his inimitable canvases, created pictorial lasting heritage and presenting it with personal exhibitions in numerous European countries, became one of the unique ambassadors of the Armenian culture and history.

At this moment of hard loss on behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and personally me I express my deepest condolence to Zulum Grigoryan’s family and relatives and share their grief,” the condolence message by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan reads.

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