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Parliament Ends Work of Regular Sittings
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On September 13, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the regular sittings.

The Chair of the RA NA Ad hoc Accounting Committee Gagik Melikyan presented the results of the election of the judge of the Constitutional Court was held the day before.

Arman Dilanyan was elected in the post of the CC Judge with 81 for and 7 against votes: 88 deputies took part in the secret ballot.

Gagik Melikyan also presented the results of the Chairman of the RA Court of Cassation and noted that 74 deputies voted for and 10 against Yervand Khundkaryan, and he was elected Chairman of the RA Court of Cassation.

Afterwards Gagik Melikyan presented the results of the voting of the Judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation. Edgar Sedrakyan was elected with 67 for and 11 against votes.

Then Gagik Melikyan presented the results of the voting of the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. Tigran Urikhanyan was elected Chair of the Committee with 74 for and 10 against votes.

The RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan has informed that under Article 108 of the RA Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 20 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Armenia the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, at least a quarter of the general number of the RA NA deputies applied to him with a demand to create Investigative Committee for the study of the item on impeding the execution of justice, the law of fair judicial examination and facts of violating the secrecy of telephone conversations. The RA NA extraordinary sitting was convened on the deputies’ initiative immediately after the end of the regular sittings for that purpose. The NA Speaker has clarified that the Investigative Committee is created by force of law, and the Committee members’ is established by the decision of the National Assembly.

Covering the agenda the parliament ended the work of the regular sittings.

Speech by RA NA President Alen Simonyan in the opening ceremony of at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union
Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia,Esteemed President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Esteemed Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,...

President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomes the participants of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
On September 12, the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union started in Yerevan.The President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomed the participants of the Conference.“I am deeply honoured to address you today at the 10th Global Conference of Yo...

Speech by Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
During the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, in his opening remarks welcoming the attendees, noted that their three-year dream has come true.“As of today Armenia is the youngest parlia...

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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