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Eduard Sharmazanov: Attempts of Azerbaijan of Giving Religious Nuance to NK Conflict are Unacceptable
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On October 16, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov received the President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights Thomas Shirrmacher and the Professor of the University of Bonn Christine Schirrmacher.

During the meeting the sides touched upon the importance of the preservation of the national and spiritual values. According to Eduard Sharmazanov, today the Christian civilisation is under danger, and he always raises the issue of the conservation of the Christian monuments. In this context he talked about the problem of the elimination of the Armenian monuments in Nakhijevan.

The regional issues and the NK conflict settlement was referred to. The NA Deputy Speaker has noted that the main challenges are the security, the fact of the NK issue being unsettled, the bellicose rhetoric of Azerbaijan and the blockade of Armenia by Turkey. In Eduard Sharmazanov’s word, the efforts of presenting the NK conflict as a religious conflict between the Muslims and the Christians by the Azerbaijani leadership are false.

“The NK conflict has not religious nuance. Armenia has very good relations with a number of Muslim countries, where the Armenian people has high status: the Armenian monuments are preserved. The attempts of the Azerbaijani leadership of giving religious nuance to the NK conflict are unacceptable,” the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament noted.

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