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Seminar on the Theme The Role of Parliamentary Budget Offices in Fiscal Oversight and Fiscal Governance in National Assembly
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On October 17, on the initiative of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, the NA Budget Office within the scope of the programme TAIEX Expert Mission the two-day seminar on the theme The Role of Parliamentary Budget Offices in Fiscal Oversight and Fiscal Governance began its work.

According to the Coordinating Expert of the RA Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) Gagik Barseghyan, the seminar has two main aims: the sharing of the international experience of the budget offices and give an opportunity to the representatives of the NA Staff, the experts of the Standing Committees and factions to get familiarized with the budget processes and the ways of the budget analysis.

Presenting the creation of the NA Budget Office, Gagik Barseghyan highlighted the role of the structure in the support of the efficient oversight functioning in the sphere of the public finances by the NA. The latter is implemented through providing necessary professional support and information to the MPs, Standing Committees and factions.

“While implementing its functions the Budget Office of the National Assembly cooperates with the government and different ministries and makes use of only official information,” Gagik Barseghyan said.

It has been noted that for the developments of its capacities and raising the efficiency of its activities the RA NA Budget Office cooperates with the appropriate structures of the parliaments of Georgia, Ukraine, Scotland, Wales and Serbia by the support of the programme Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation) and the British Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).

The Head of Parliamentary Budget Office of Austria Helmut Berger, touching upon the budget processes being implemented in the executive and legislative bodies of his country, noted that the structure led by him was founded as a result of the budget legislation reform.

“While making budget analyses we mainly cooperate with the Government, Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Austria, Institute of Economic Studies, which gives opportunity to get complete and accurate information about the procedure of state budget execution,” Helmut Berger informed.

The participants’ questions addressed to the speakers related to the cooperation between the Budget Offices of the European countries, the rise of the involvement of women in the legislative bodies, the gender equality, providing accurate information and other problems.

Answering to the question on the stability and development of the economy, the Head of Parliamentary Budget Office of Austria states that after the world economic crisis many European Union countries began strictly complying with budget fiscal rules, which gave an opportunity to get out of crisis and stabilize their own economies and predetermine the ways of development.

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