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Ara Babloyan’s Statement
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“Dear colleagues, dear friends, during the extraordinary parliamentary elections of recent days some developing events could not leave me indifferent. Those events made me again address everybody with the right of elder friend.

About 30-year history of the Republic of Armenia has proved that there are values, which are not subject of any speculation, bargaining, as well as those values cannot be reduced to a level of personal and political pre-electoral interests. In those values Artsakh has its special place. Only two years ago, in April, all of us again documented and got convinced that the security of Artsakh and the right of self-determination of our compatriots living in Artsakh are under care of everybody. All of us showed that they back Artsakh and the people of Artsakh, proved that our whole force is directed to the defense of Artsakh and the Artsakh people.

In the issue of Artsakh the black, the red, the white and the green should not exist among us. The separations of political colourings, if we cannot refuse it, we’ll spread exclusively on the political struggle, and Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia have only one united colour, and it is the Armenian tricolour. In fact, what is said equally refers to all political forces.

Dear friends, the tricolour is common, as the security of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia is the future of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia. Thus, I urge all of us to get consolidated around one united position on Artsakh: conditioned by the gentleman-like agreement, in general, remove the theme of Artsakh or the name Artsakh from the pre-electoral speeches and disputes from every-day word stock.

I address my sisters and brothers of Artsakh.

During these pre-electoral days I ask you not to stir passion and leave without response some voiced statements, which most probably, serve as a consequence of not right formulations of thoughts. As I noted, the security of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia and the welafre future is the united future of all of us,” Ara Babloyan’s statement reads.

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The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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