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Regular Sitting of Parliament Not Held
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The December 7 regular sitting of the RA National Assembly was not held. In the morning necessary number of deputies was not registered.

Under the Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the deputies’ registration continued for four hours, but by 14:00, nine deputies were registered.

By the proposal of the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan, the deputies honoured in silence the memory of multi thousands of victims of the disastrous earthquake occurred in Spitak, 30 years ago, on 7 December 1988.

Ara Babloyan noted that in that extremely hard and complicated situation the whole world helped the Armenian people, saving numerous lives thanks to the doctors and rescuers, who hurriedly arrived in Armenia.

The NA President informed that on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the disastrous earthquake that had taken 25.000 human lives, he would visit the disastrous zone to honour the memory of the innocent victims.

According to the RA NA Deputy Speaker Mikayel Melkumyan, the National Assembly of the RA sixth convocation decently implemented its activities. The NA Deputy Speaker noted that during this period crucial for Armenia, when political revolution took place, the RA National Assembly had a very important role. Mikayel Melkumyan expressed hope that the parliament to be elected in the near future also would promote the development of the country, and the citizens would not be disappointed.

So, the parliament ended the work of the NA regular sittings.

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