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Issues on Armenian-Russian Cooperation Discussed
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On February 21, the RA NA Vice President Vahe Enfiajyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin. Issues on the Armenian-Russian cooperation were discussed.

Vahe Enfiajyan expressed confidence that the Ambassador with his activity would promote the further deepening and expansion of the Armenian-Russian warm and friendly relations.

The RA NA Vice President highlighted the inter-parliamentary cooperation and the joint work on the international platforms.

Sergey Kopirkin congratulated Vahe Enfiajyan on being elected in the post of the RA NA Vice President and assured that he would make all efforts for strengthening the two peoples’ centuries-old friendship and the expansion of the allied relations.

The interlocutors underlined the dynamic development of the relations between Armenia and Russia in all spheres, recorded the achievements of the last years. In this context Vahe Enfiajyan expressed conviction that from now on the bilateral cooperation would also continue developing in the atmosphere of partnership and trust.

On the same day the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Vladmimir Vardanyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin.

The Committee Chair underlined the centuries-old strategic partnership between Armenia and Russia, expressing readiness for wide-scale cooperation in the future. Vladimir Vardanyan emphasized the coordinated work with the relevant Committees between the RF State and the Federal Assembly and the regular contacts with the colleagues.

The Committee Chair also referred to the cooperation on the inter-parliamentary platforms, particularly in the IPA CIS and the CSTO PA.

The Ambassador underscored that during his meetings of recent days he always felt the Armenian parliamentarians’ aspiration for developing the Armenian-Russian relations and reaching them to a new level. Noting that the role of the legislative body had risen in the new political realities, he expressed conviction that the deepening of parliamentary ties is an important component of the inter-state relations.

With regards to the joint work on the inter-parliamentary platforms Sergey Kopirkin stressed the coordinated legislative work, particularly in the EEU and the CSTO PA.

The sides also referred to the implementation of the coordinated and harmonized steps taken for the European and Eurasian integration, and the peculiarities of foreign and inner policy of our country.

Ambassador Sergey Kopirkin also met with the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs Narek Zeynalyan.

The Committee Chair highly assessed the friendly relations between the Armenian and Russian peoples and highlighted the rapprochement of cooperation between the namesake parliamentary committees of the two countries. According to him, the citizens immediately feel on themselves the legislative amendments being made in the spheres of health care and social security, therefore it is a necessity to get acquainted with each other’s experience and mutual help in those spheres.

Ambassador Sergey Koipirkin has emphasized the historically formed friendship between the two countries and has noted that there is still unused potential in numerous directions: He distinguished particularly the development of the resort tourism that can also be favourable for the development of all spheres.

The interlocutors highlighted the enlivening of the contacts at the level of the parliamentary committees and the implementation of the debates over the issues of bilateral interest.

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