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At Sitting of National Assembly
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On March 6, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the regular sittings, debating the report on the activity of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on Extraordinary Elections of 9 December 2018 of the RA National Assembly.

The deputies Hamazasp Danielyan and Vahagn Hovakimyan expressed their viewpoints on the electoral processes implemented ever in Armenia and highlighted the holding of free and fair elections, underlining in it the availability of the political will. The deputies also considered to improve the electoral legislation.

The RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan has delivered an extraordinary speech and has noted that the free, fair, legal and democratic elections serve as a basis and conditions, without which it is not possible to imagine our life in a way, as it is not possible to imagine our life without vital air and water.

Touching upon the extraordinary parliamentary elections, the NA President stressed that really free, fair and democratic elections were held, on which the meticulous international organizations. “I think that all, parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political forces, the public agree and reaffirm, from now on to have exclusively free, fair, transparent and democratic elections,” Ararat Mirzoyan underlined.

Noting that in holding free, fair and legal elections the importance of the political will, the NA Speaker has underlined that only it is not a sufficient condition: it is necessary to improve the Electoral Code.

The NA Speaker made a statement and invited the political forces for cooperation: to work together and improve the electoral legislation of Armenia.

In the final speech the CEC Chairman Tigran Mukuchyan touched upon the deputies’ observations and gave clarifications. He documented that the extraordinary parliamentary elections were free, fair and transparent and the extraordinary elections of Yerevan Elders. Under the RA Constitutional Law the Rules of the Procedure of the National Assembly, the CEC report was accepted as information.

The deputies debated in the second reading debated the draft law on Amending the RA Law on the RA Law on the Citizens Who Have Not Passed Compulsory Military Service by the Violation of the Established Order, where there were not amendments after the debate in the first reading.

Afterwards the parliament by voting passed the draft laws on Amending the RA Law on Education debated by the first reading and on Amending the RA Law on the Citizens Who Have Not Passed Compulsory Military Service by the Violation of the Established Order in the second reading and completely.

At the last sitting of the day, under the RA Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the members of the RA Government answered the deputies’ questions.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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