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Hovhannes Igityan Meets with President and Director of European Business Association and Executive in Armenia
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On March 20, the Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Hovhannes Igityan met with the President of the European Business Association (EBA) Levon Israyelyan and the Executive Director Diana Sarumova. The member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Hayk Gevorgyan attended the meeting.

The guests have presented the activity and the programmes of the organisation, noting that they are mainly directed to the encouragement of the foreign investments in Armenia, the expansion and development of the European business and the formation of the favourable business environment.

The interlocutors underlined the necessity of the activation of the business ties.

During the meeting issues relating to making the economic field of our country more attractive for investments were discussed, and the joint cooperation in this sphere was highlighted.

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