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Issues on Raising the Efficiency of RA NA Standing Committees’ Works Discussed
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On March 21, within the framework of the Program of Strengthening Electoral Processes and Political Accountability in Armenia the International Republican Institute (IRI) organized a consultation with the Chairs of the RA National Assembly Standing Committees and their Deputy Chairs. The Strategic Advisor Barry Jackson held the consultation.

Items concerning the National Assembly-Government relations, the effective implementation of the oversight functions of the legislative body, the development of the professional capacities of the employees of parliament’s Standing Committees, the effective strategic planning of the Committees’ works, the provision of the parliamentary works’ transparency and the exchange of experience.

The participants of the consultation exchanged opinions on the process of the legislative and political reforms.

Barry Jackson was interested in the engagement of the specialist-experts in the legislative works, their professional readiness and the involvement of the public and civil organizations in the parliamentary works. The advisor especially highlighted the contacts with the voters and the debate of the various items for having success in the further  political processes.

According to his meetings, in our country the people are particularly worried about the unemployment and the absence of jobs, the situation on the border and the social-economic problems.

The Committee Chairs emphasized the continuous training of the NA Staff, the implementation of the programs directed to their skills and the involvement of the specialists in the legislative and analytical works.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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