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Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Parliamentary Delegation of Italy
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On April 5, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the parliamentary representation delegation of Italy that visited Armenia on cognitive visit comprised of the members of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Welcoming the Italian colleagues in parliament, the Head of the legislative body has evaluated the centuries-old relations formed between the two peoples, which are based on the common historical, cultural and political values.

Ararat Mirzoyan presented to the guests the developments recorded in recent period in Armenia, the parliamentary elections assessed free, fair and democratic by the international community, the agenda of the priorities of the legislative body formed as a result of the latter. “The parliamentary extraordinary elections were considered as the last step for the revolutionary process, which began in the country for strengthening democracy,” the NA President said.

He emphasized the active cooperation between the two countries’ legislative bodies with parliamentary government, the mutual visits, the exchange of experience and the role of the parliamentary diplomacy.

Touching upon the foreign political agenda of Armenia, the Head of Parliament has underlined the importance that our country attaches to the integration with the European region. In this context he appreciated the ratification of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, expressing hope that after the visit the Italian colleagues would give new impetus to this process in their parliament.

Ararat Mirzoyan has drawn the guests’ attention to the necessity of the Armenian Genocide recognition, noting that with condemnation of only such crimes is possible to prevent the crimes being committed against mankind.

On behalf of the delegation expressing his gratitude to Ararat Mirzoyan the Member of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies Maurizio Lupi has noted that for their Group representing all the factions of the parliament this visit is a good opportunity to directly get acquainted not only with the political processes in Armenia, but also the Christian Armenian people’s centuries-old historical and cultural heritage. According to him, in its turn this will greatly promote the further development of the traditional ties and will give new impetus to the Armenian-Italian cooperation.

According to Maurizio Lupi, they observed the ongoing revolutionary processes in Armenia, as a result of which, the created new realities opened wide perspectives of development. He has assured that the ratification of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement and the recognition of the Armenian Genocide are the agenda items of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and their efforts will be consistent in this direction.

At the meeting the representatives of all factions of the Italian Parliament expressed their viewpoints.

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