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Human Rights Defender of Artsakh Hosted in NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs
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On April 30, the members of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs met with the Human Rights Defender (HRD) of Artsakh Republic Artak Beglaryan.

According to the Committee Chair Naira Zohrabyan, unless Artsakh is not presented in the international structures, the RA parliament is the voice of Artsakh in those organizations. The problems of the foreign political agenda of Artsakh always voice in all international platforms. The Committee Chair has underlined that the Committee led by her is ready to effectively cooperate with the Artsakh HRD.

Artak Beglaryan presented the problems of the Artsakh people’s rights and emphasized the role of the RA National Assembly and the civil society. He expressed conviction that the close cooperation between the RA HRD and the NA Standing Committee would be an additional impetus in raising the problems and solving them. In this context the speaker informed that an effective cooperation had been already formed between the RA HRD and his Staff.

According to Artak Beglaryan, because of not being recognized and Armenophobia and deconstructive policy of Azerbaijan, Artsakh is cut from the international public, which has a negative impact on the protection of human rights. In this context the Artsakh HRD distinguished the item of the weak capabilities and scarcity of resources of the state bodies and civil society, where the lack of the international contacts is the most serious reason. “There is close cooperation and exchange of experience between different institutions of Artsakh and Armenia takes place through the same pipeline,” the HRD has underlined that the same can be said on the civil society: in this aspect the organizations of the civil society functioning in Armenia.

As to Artak Beglaryan’s assessment, the fact that the European and the UN relevant monitoring bodies, the international human rights organizations have not entered into the Artsakh Republic and it results in the violations of human rights, particularly in the educational, health care and social spheres.

The Artsakh HRD has informed that they carry out a study for recording the violations of human rights, which are conditioned by the fact that Artsakh is not recognized and the behaviour of Azerbaijan. It has been noted that the complete package with concrete examples and problems will be provided to the NA Committee, and it will give an opportunity to present the problems more coordinated on the international platforms.

Naira Zohrabyan proposed to form a working agenda with the Committee, stemming from the adopted international conventions, which Azerbaijan also ratified. The Committee Chair informed that in the near future she would address the RA NA President, asking to invite the representatives of the international organizations to understand the coordinated agenda of the problems to be presented in the international structures.

In their speeches and interpellations the Committee members highlighted the compilation of the working programme in the international structures, the cooperation between the representatives of the civil society of Armenia and Artsakh and talked about the bases of the development and strengthening of democracy. Artak Beglaryan has informed that in the near future there is a goal to organize a Forum on Artsakh and the RA Civil Society Organizations.

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