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Problems on Regulation of NGOs’ Activities Discussed
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On May 22, the NA Standing Committee on protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Naira Zohrabyan and the members met with the representatives of the NGO Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center .

Naira Zohrabyan has evaluated the activities of the abovementioned NGO in our country, underlining that the Committee is ready for effective cooperation.

The Executive Director of the NGO Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center Sona Ayvazyan has noted that since 2014 with the support of the USAID their organization implements the program Demanding Society for Responsible Administration and its component is dedicated to the improvement of the NGOs’ legislation and the provision of the necessary environment for their activity. It was noted that the organization took part in the elaboration works of the law on the NGOs, and after passing the law observe the development of the sub-legislative field. Sona Ayvazyan presented her viewpoint on the control and accountability towards the Civil Society Organizations (CVO), touched upon in this respect the international experts’ opinions.

The Program Consultant of the European Center of Not-for-Profit Law Luben Panov has underscored that they try to help the governments, the parliaments and the civil society organizations to find the best solutions for regulating the field in consonance with the conditions of their countries. he highlighted the opportunity to be given to the NGOs for economic activities and for the volunteers certain regulation. Luben Panov has informed that they cooperate with the State Revenue Committee, present the observations and proposals of the solution of the sphere problems, emphasizing the public debates and the dialogue between the civil society and the authorities. According to him, we should keep balance among the accountability, open information and secrecy of personal data.

During the debate with the Committee members the participants referred to the activity and financing of the individual donor organizations, the formation of the donation fund, the proportionality of the NGOs’ financing, the realization of the NGOs’ economic activity opportunities and the state financing sources, the financial transparency and the accountability of the companies implementing media activities, the problem of fake news and other problems on the sphere regulation.

At the end of the meeting Naira Zohrabyan assured that all proposals and ideas would be debated in the Committee, and part of them would become a basis for legislative amendments.

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