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Ararat Mirzoyan Takes Part in the 4th Summit of Parliament Speakers of Central and Eastern Europe
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On June 5, the 4th Summit of Parliament Speakers of Central and Eastern Europe began in Warsaw.

During the last several years this format is a peculiar platform by the parliament of Poland for responding the challenges facing Europe, as well as discussing issues of mutual interest.

By the joint invitation of Speakers of the Sejm and the Senate of Poland Marek Kuchciński and Stanisław Karczewski, the heads of the regional parliaments, the MPs and the authoritative scientists were invited to discuss the issues and modern challenges of general history.

Speaking about the events of the general history, the universal challenges of the Eastern and Central Europe Region, and particularly the democratization example of Armenia, in his speech Ararat Mirzoyan called on his colleagues: “It’s time to look and see the real picture, it’s time to stop the non-justified, ineffective work style and our precious time and efforts instead of creating new conflicts, new barriers and dividing lines, it’s really the moment, dear colleagues, to get consolidated and direct everybody’s efforts for withstanding our universal challenges, strengthening the democracy and providing the peace, boosting the knowledge and improving the people’s way of living.”

The Speakers of the Summit also touched upon the issues regarding the geopolitical situation formed around the globalisation, national identity and the future of Central and Eastern Europe.

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