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Vladimir Vardanyan Meets with Resident Representative of UN Development Programme to Armenia
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On June 7, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Vladimir Vardanyan met with the Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) to Armenia Dmitry Mariyasin.

The sides discussed the programmes being implemented in our country within the framework of the UNDP, as well as issues regarding the perspectives of cooperation.

Presenting the key priorities and the initiatives of their activity, Dmitry Mariyasin has noted that the UNDP projects are fully consonant with the national priorities and development needs. The programme being implemented with Armenia is concentrated on three spheres: poverty reduction, democratic government and environment. The guest touched upon the steps directed to the transitional justice process and the efficiency of the justice system activity.

Vladimir Vardanyan emphasized the expedient implementation of the programmes within the framework of the support of the different international structures, opining that the cooperation should be mutually complemented. In this context he underlined the effective cooperation with the UNDP.

Touching upon the application of the transitional justice toolset, the Committee Chair expressed opinion that every system of transitional justice should be called into life on the basis of the constitutional provisions and consonant with the norms assumed by the international obligations. Emphasizing the steps aimed at the recovery of the justice sphere, Vladimir Vardanyan has assured that the authorities undertake measures for the rise of the efficiency of the judicial system activity. According to the Committee Chair, the independent judicial system would be deprived of interventions and function regardless of other wings of the power. He also reflected upon the problems of raising the judges’ salaries, the overcoming of the challenges of the judicial sphere and the level of public trust towards the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC).

The sides also talked about the role of the SJC in the transitional period, the creation of the anti-corruption court, the experts’ support to the spheres within the framework of the UNDP and other issues.

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