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Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of FRG to Armenia Has Farewell Meeting in Parliament
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On June 25, the RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia Bernhard Matthias Kiesler on the occasion of the completion of his diplomatic work in our country.

Evaluating the partnership relations, which are formed between the two countries, the Head of the parliament highly assessed the Ambassador’s role in its deepening. As Ararat Mirzoyan has noted, along with very serious changes made in our country, the Armenian-German relations have been dynamically changed and developed, getting to a new level.

Thanking for the farewell meeting, Bernhard Matthias Kiesler underlined that the German side always highlighted the strengthening of the RA National Assembly capabilities, the deepening of the ties between the two countries’ parliaments, the mutual visits and the exchange of experience. According to him, in the conditions of the new realities established in Armenia wide opportunity has been created for giving new quality to the bilateral cooperation. According to the Ambassador, the role of the National Assembly has essentially increased conditioned by turning to the parliamentary government system in Armenia, thus he German side is ready to continue and expand the programmes supporting the legislative body in different formats.

“The Armenian-German relations  have always been distinguished by their warm, friendly character, and after the ongoing changes they have an opportunity for further deepening them,” the German diplomat said.

The sides have touched upon the reforms going on in our country, which particularly are in the spheres of public administration, justice, tax and other spheres. Both sides underlined the role of the National Assembly in the reform process in the parliamentary government format. The further expansion of the inter-parliamentary cooperation was highlighted.

Ararat Mirzoyan underscored Bernhard Matthias Kiesler’s contributed personal efforts in laying the Armenian-German relations on firm bases.

In his turn the Ambassador assured that he would always be interested in the ongoing processes in Armenia and with his further activity he would promote the strengthening of the Armenian-German relations.

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