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Speech by RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan at Opening of Second International Forum “Development of Parliamentarism” in Moscow
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“Dear Vyacheslav Volodin,

Dear Mr Tolstoy, Mr Lavrov,

Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, let me thank the Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin for the invitation to take part in the works of the Forum, the Chairman of the Organizational Committee Mr Tolstoy for the warm reception and the wonderful organization of the event.

I am sure that in such authoritative International Forum we expect constructive exchange of thoughts on the key items of parliamentary cooperation. The institute of parliamentarism plays a special role in the state administration system. The very parliamentarians have authority to present the citizens' interests and to protect the human rights.

It is impossible but not to mention about such most important mechanisms of providing accounatbility in the state bodies, as the parliamentary monitoring and oversight.

The role of parliamentary diplomacy is vividly expressed in the modern system of international relations. And let me briefly touch upon this last principle of the international diplomacy.

In the modern world the role of parliamentary diplomacy is evident.  in the international relations and in establishing stable dialogue between the power and the society. In general, the mechanisms of inter-parliamentary communication now more than ever are in demand for effectively counteracting against such challenges, as terrorism, intolerance, illegal migration and climatic changes., fight against poverty and
inequlaity, fake information.

Our efforts to strengthen the international and the regional security within the framework of inter-parliamentary cooperation should be directed to the formation of the legislation counteracting the security challenges and threats, the activation of parliamentary cooperation, the enhancement of the regional parliamentary structures, and the expansion of cooperation with other international organizations.

In this context I would like to especially underline the role of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the ancient and the greatest international platform, the work of which is based on the legally equal, multi-branch dialogue. In general, the international parliamentary organizations are considered to be one of the effective platforms of the advancement of the united agenda and the elaboration of joint decisions.

Making use of this opportunity on behalf of all Armenian parliamentarians I would like to stress with joy the fact that the Russian delegation has again started its work in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, I am sure that the effective and well coordinated work of our delegations will give its results.

We are against the attempts of solving the conflicts through military means and we welcome the initiatives, which are aimed at the establishment of sustainable peace. With regards to this, I shall underscore that we continue to be for exclusively peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, in case of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries' mediatory efforts, based on the principles and norms of the international law and the UN Charter. The settlement of the problem should be based on the respect of indisputable right of secure and free living.

Unfortunately, the bellicose rhetoric and the danger of resuming the military actions also dilapidate the bases of the regional security and stability, which contradict the peaceful settlement process, making the perspectives of the peoples' peaceful co-existence harder to reach. And here we are called on to play a leading role in the inter-parliamentary diplomacy, speaking on behalf of citizens and about their interests.

Dear participants of the Forum, I would like to reiterate that the basis of lasting peace, security and stable development can be only the open and constructive dialogue. Joint efforts are necessary for the cultures of inter-state dialogue, mutual agreement and mutual compromise. The deputies of the National Assembly of Armenia are open for exchange of experience, as well as in bilateral and multilateral formats with their colleagues.

Thank you for your attention,” the Head of the Parliament noted.

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