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Speech by NA President Ararat Mirzoyan in the House of Representatives of Cyprus
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“Distinguished Mr Syllouris,

Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour for me today to deliver a speech before the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus. Before turning to the very speech, let me express my gratitude to you for the warm reception shown to the Armenian delegation and me.

In April-May 2018 during the peaceful, non-violent, velvet revolution occurred in my Motherland the citizens of the Republic of Armenia and the whole Armenian people stood up to call into life the word democratia in its entire essence, returning the power to the people. The path that Armenia took one year ago from now on the faithfulness to democracy, the protection of human fundamental rights and the rule of law are no longer irreversible in the history of the newest Armenia.

Its evidence was considered also the snap parliamentary elections held in December 2018, which enjoyed the highest assessment of the International Observation Missions. And now, it is a great honour for me as a President of the National Assembly of the new convocation, to pay one of the first official visits to the very brotherly Cyprus.

In the first days of the velvet revolution it has been announced that radical changes will not take place, and therefore we are ready to deepen the Armenian-Cypriot already firm relations, which directly have no other alternative.

Aristotle, speaking about friendship, was classifying it in three groups: friends of pleasure, friends of interest and real friends. I would like to state from this high tribune that the centuries have shown that the Armenian and Cypriot peoples are real friends, and Armenia and Cyprus are real friends. Through many centuries the Armenians and the Cypriots fought against the Ottoman yoke, and today we, the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Cyprus, each country in its place have assumed a special mission: confront the expansionist policy of Turkey. And we carry out this mission, backing each other in the issues of vital importance.

As you know, Armenia has always been for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey without preconditions and opening of borders, which is not accepted by the leaders of our neighbouring republic. Moreover, the Armenian-Turkish relations are always discussed in the context of the third countries’ interests, which is categorically inadmissible and results in instability in the region and continuity of military conflict.

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh problem under the auspice of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs has been and will remain the only format of having a mandate by the international community. The security and status of Artsakh are priorities for Armenia, and the problem cannot be solved without decisive word of Nagorno Karabakh, being the main party of the conflict. The position of principle by the authorities of brotherly Cyprus in all vital issues concerning Armenia and the Armenian people is invaluable for us.

In the context of Cyprus problem we always note that though Armenia and Cyprus make use of the international different legal tools on the way of solution of the primary problems, it does not impede at all us to fully support each other. I am more than sure that the day, when the brotherly Cypriot people’s efforts for restoration of justice and reunification of Cyprus will be crowned with victory, is inevitable.

I cannot but not touch upon the encroachments of Turkey towards the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Cyprus, which is unacceptable, and it has been condemned by the international community. Such destructive and illegal actions shown by Turkey do not promote the provision of regional security and stability.

Our friend Cyprus has had its most important role in the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Today I am in a parliament, which is the first country in Europe and the second in the world that in 1975 recognized the Armenian Genocide. I express my deepest gratitude to the House of Representatives of Cyprus for declaring April 24 as the Armenian Genocide Memorial Day by state, and unanimously adopting the resolution criminalizing the denial of the genocides. Armenia and Cyprus has repeatedly proved their faithfulness to human values and reaffirmed the commitment directed to the continuous efforts of genocide prevention.

I would like to especially express my gratitude to the top leaders of Cyprus, in the person of Nicos Anastasiades and the distinguished Speaker preceded you Yiannakis Omirou for the participation of the events on the Armenian Genocide Centenary in 2015.

The Armenian community has also its unique role and contribution in the bilateral relations between Armenia and Cyprus that more than hundred years ago, being hardly saved in the Ottoman Empire from the perpetrated genocide by the Turkish criminals has taken asylum in Cyprus. We are thankful and obliged to the Cypriot brotherly people for giving asylum those Armenians and giving opportunity for fully living and creating in their new motherland. I am happy that today the Armenians of Cyprus take part and have their contribution in the public and political life of the country and in the development of Cyprus.

It is also an occasion of pride for me to mention with gratitude from this high tribune the invaluable contribution and selfless activity of the state representative of the Cypriot Armenian community in the House of Representatives, our distinguished compatriot Vardges Mahtesian.

We highly appreciate your activities, dear compatriot, and we are proud of you.

Coming back to our days, I would like to note that the Armenian-Cypriot relations are exemplary with the display of their mutual understanding and mutual trust. In the last quarter of century we have been able to develop firm inter-state relations and a bilateral stable agenda which includes political dialogue and cooperation in different spheres of mutual interest. I am confident that we have not still used the whole potential of cooperation between the two countries.

Talking already about the plans for the future, we should say that the cooperation with Cyprus is of special importance for Armenia in the context of the RA-EU relations. And I express my gratitude to you for ratifying the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed between Armenia and the European Union by the House of Representatives of Cyprus a few days ago. It is an important format of multi-layer cooperation for Armenia.

I also emphasize very much the trilateral format of Armenia-Cyprus-Greece cooperation. It creates new perspectives for deepening multi-layer cooperation between the participant states. I am sure that the formation of the parliamentary platform of cooperation will give an opportunity for the parties to more effectively use the whole potential of cooperation.

Let me end my views on the two friends’ past, present and future. There have been times, when we together have shared our grief, have been times, when we together should won victories for the peoples of Armenia and Cyprus for restoration and preservation of justice, human rights and values.

Long live Cyprus!

Long live Armenia!

Long live the Armenian-Cypriot everlasting friendship,” the Head of the RA Parliament noted.

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