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Great Potential of Armenian-Polish Cooperation is AvailableGreat Potential of Armenian-Polish Cooperation is Available
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At July 11 press conference, the members of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Anush Begloian, Sos Avetisyan, Arman Abovyan and Arman Babajanyan presented details on the works of the joint sitting with the Foreign and European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland on July 2-4.

Highlighting the open and sincere debates with the Polish side on the balanced position over Armenia-Poland, Armenia-European Union relations, the Nagorno Karabakh issue, the bilateral visits, the visa liberalization and other agenda items, Sos Avetisyan has noted that the inter-parliamentary cooperation is a favourable format in the development of the two countries’ ties.

Arman Abovyan has informed that the Polish colleagues are extremely interested in the events happened in our country with the fight against corruption. According to him, touching upon the regional security issue both sides presented their own visions. The MP also considered important the meetings and debates in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland and in the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW).

“Recently the Foreign Minister of Poland supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in Baku without noting about the right of the nations’ self-determination,” Anush Begloian said and added that during the meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Armenian side expressed its concern in that respect. As a result of debate, the Polish side assured that from now on the official announcements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland would be balanced.

Arman Babajanyan talked about the shortcomings in the Armenian-Polish relations. According to the deputy, the opportunities of the parliamentary diplomacy have not been realized, as a consequence of which, the ties between the parliaments of the two countries are not at a decent level. Despite the ongoing works, Arman Babajanyan does not consider realistic the visa liberalization in the near future.

During the press conference it has also been noted that there is great potential to cooperate in different spheres, including the education and agriculture, The special cooperation and the development of relations with every European country has been emphasized.

The speakers answered the journalists’ questions.

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